HOW TO GET RID OF TEENAGE ACNE | CLEAR SKIN TIPS - Fashion And Lifestyle - Fashion tips, Lifestyle tips.

May 31, 2020




Teenagers usually go through a rough patch hormones completely change your body. We're talking about your skin of course but it doesn't have to be all bad if you follow the tips that I have for you in this blog your skin is gonna improve and the annoying pimples and acne will go away. Alright let's get started first things guys you need to do everything in your power to stop touching your face especially nowadays with everything that's going on with this virus outbreak we need to be careful right at school or any place. Your hands are gonna be all over the desks the computer keyboards and the books the toilets all of that bacteria will stick to your fingertips so when you touch your face it gets transferred right into your skin into your eyes your nose your mouth I know in school it's normal to rest your face on your hands you know but try not to do that and if you're the kind of guy who does that a lot and can't stop washing your hands often with soap or  warm water to make sure that your hands are squeaky clean you should be doing that anyway right wash your hands often and if you're 18 or 19 you know if you're driving then touching the steering wheel touching the car in general that's not super clean public places public bathrooms you know they're not clean always have a little bit of hand sanitizer on you so you can be safe and clean because that bacteria can be transferred to your skin and cause acne in breakout now you need to know how to actually take care of your skin right what type of product how often you should use them etc.


But the thing is everyone's skin is different so it's very important that you find out what type of skin that you have and there are five main skin tone normal dry, oily combination and sensitive and understanding your skin type that's going to give you a much better idea of how to treat acne breakouts to get smooth clear skin with normal skin you're usually fine you know but sometimes they make it oily or dry it's typically though the easiest skin to take care with dry skin you have to stay away from products that are too harsh and that are going to dry out your skin even more and don't take long showers because that dries your skin even more with oily skin you want to desquamate twice a week because that build up of oil can cause dead skin cells to become trapped in the pores and that leads to pimples (Acne) but you have to be careful just because you have oily skin it doesn't mean that you should be using like a super harsh product or chemicals right to dry everything out start with something more gentle first see how that affects your skin and then move on to different products if it doesn't get any better now dry and oily combination skin you have to use these techniques in different parts of your face.


 You have to wash your face twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening to get rid of all the dirt all that gunk from your handsome face right after you wash your face you have to moisturize regardless of your skin type even if it's oily you should moisturize it that's gonna help your body regulate the amount of oils being produced on your face so moisturize after each time that you wash your face and exfoliating your face twice a week or so alright if you have extra oily skin you can even do it three times a week as long as it's a light exfoliant should feel a little bit sandy in your hands they feel kind of weird they feel gritty you know and they lightly scrub away all of those impurities that clog your pores that cause acne so I love exfoliating my face my skin feels instantly better when I exfoliate because it gets rid of all those dead skin cells and reviews like nice fresh smooth skin which is what we all want right so make sure to do it lightly you know you're not trying to rip your face open you're just trying to lightly clean it you know the one thing that you need to put on your face every day especially if you're going out sunscreen all right you have to use sunscreen guys this is gonna save your skin for years to come trust me it's never too early to start applying sunscreen on a daily basis if I could go back in time this is what I would change about my skincare routine all right wearing sunscreen every single day I don't want permanent sun spots I don't want any wrinkles and I definitely do not want skin cancer so starter something that you can't forget drink lots of water besides hydrating us we is awesome of course waters gonna flush out all the toxins and all the impurities from our bodies.


  Sometimes you guys forget to drink water but it is necessary for you to drink 3 to 4 liter water in a day. So you're getting enough water in your body guys we're talking about better hair better you know sports performance and of course better skin just by drinking water and pro tip guys change your pillow case often all right pillow cases get super dirty because we sleep on them for eight hours a day we sweat we drool what else comes out of our faces when we're sleeping I don't know it's gross just to think about it all right so my personal advice is get two sets of bed sheets including pillowcases so that you can change them every week while one's washing you have the other one ready to go and that way everything is clean and ready for your nights all right and bonus tip guys go to a dermatologist don't be afraid to go to a professional to talk to someone to see what kind of you know help that you can get to make your skin look so much better talk to your parents if you have to be like this and parents look at this I need a little bit of help help me out all right but if you follow these tips I can guarantee that your skin will look so much better guys. 

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