6 Hair Tips For Men | Men Hairstyle 2020

1. Don't Use Shampoo Everyday
Number One is something that I've been telling you guys to do for a long time. Now and I still get so many questions about this you have to start shampooing less this is a huge game-changer alright so many guys ask me what they can do to make their hair and scalp less drag to make it more shiny and give it more like well this will completely change the look and the feel of your hair when you wash your hair with shampoo . It basically strips away all of the natural oil from your scalp from your hair alright that's the job that shampoo has to do so if you shampoo a lot if you shampoo everyday if you shampoo twice a day you're basically stripping all of those oils from your hair and that can be too much it can be too much of a change for your hair so instead wash your hair everyday with water but not shampoo even I even like to condition my hair sometimes because I thought I find that it makes my hair soft but I definitely do not shampoo every day so what you're gonna do is you're gonna wash your hair with water that's fine get rid of you know the hair products or whatever you have in your hair apply some conditioner and that's it and then every two to three days then you shampoo and that's gonna really clean your scalp really get rid of all the oil especially if you have dry scalp make sure that you're not shampooing every day guys this is an immediate change that you're gonna feel and see right away.
2. Use Good Product For Hair
Number 2: For you guys that want amazing healthy hair is you need to find the right hair styling products you know so many dudes try to achieve this hairstyle here. For example but they're trying with some janky hair product that has no hold gives no texture they're trying with gel which you know makes it shiny makes your hair feel hard instead of soft and it's old-school no one should be using gel anymore instead you should try a high hold clay. Clays are a thousand times better than Joe there is no comparison and as you guys know the clay from Forte series is by far the strongest hold that you will ever try this thing will make your life and lot easier alright if your hair style falls flat halfway through your day. If your hairstyle is too shiny and doesn't look quite right then it's because you're using the wrong process clay was specifically made to give you an extreme hold with matte finish low shine and high texture so you can look your best alright and it is infused with argan oil to nourish your hair and act as a hair mask as you wear it daily it comes in this awesome jar and it lasts you so long because unlike other products this is a 3.4 ounce jar this is the most you can get it's solid it's the most you can get as a travel sized products sold out it is now finally back in stock so you can get your hands on a jar of forte and you can stop using the wrong product and get yours now alright.
3. Don't Use Blow Dryer
So if you want to achieve the best hairstyle you're not obviously gonna want to use a blow dryer and I know a lot of guys are like couldn't a blow dryer that's for girls come on dude grow up it's 2020 it's literally gonna take your hairstyle to the next level the issue with using a blow dryer though is that obviously it gets hot you know so it can suck the moisture out of your hair and your scalp and that my friends that is bad for your hair so if you go to blow dry and you should then you're gonna need to use a few tricks here first do not blow dry clothes to your hair keep it between five six inches you know between the hair dryer and your hair we don't want to bird your hair off we just want to warm it up to loosen it up and make it more flexing and I always apply heat protectant that can be a spray an oil a mousse anything you like I prefer argan oil myself it removes the frizz from my hair it makes it nice and smooth and it protects it from the heat just apply a little bit to the ends of your hair and then you can blow dry and the oil is gonna create this protective barrier from the heat you know by the way guys sidenote foretaste series argan oil trust me this thing is incredible it smells better than any oil.
4. Hair Mask Is Give Moisture To Your Hair?
Number 4 guys you want to moisturize your hair and scalp with hair masks basically what it does is the hair mask is gonna penetrate your hair in the skin right your scalp to hydrate everything to soothe everything and it's an amazing feeling alright it actually makes your hair feel amazing it feels like you're doing a little spa day at home it makes your hair feel nourished makes your scalp feels refreshed all you have to do is apply it to your hair now you put it on leave it for about an hour if you want two hours if you want 15 minutes if that's all you have once a week that's it and there's so many different types of masks you know you can go natural in your organic like coconut oil mask or avocado mask or you can go with the Pre-made you know bar over the over-the-counter like Moroccan oil mask which is one of my favorite they're hard hydrating masks so good I use that pretty much every single week on my hair and it makes my hair feel and feel and look amazing.
5. Hair Pills is Good For Hair?
Number 5. one thing that I started taking a few years ago and that has definitely improved my hair biotin pills now biotin is gonna make your hair grow faster it's gonna strengthen your hair and there are zero side effects alright for you guys that are skeptical and trust me I'm very skeptical zero side effects they're great for you biotin can be found in any pharmacy or Amazon or even in multivitamin pills so a lot of them multivitamin pills out there the ones that I take for example they all have a high amount of biotin it's great for your hair it even makes your nails grow stronger alright it's a great supplement to take daily especially if you feel like your hair is growing too slow if the great to easily communit have healthy nails you know take biotin on a daily and that's gonna help you so much by the way guys when you're showering and I got so many of these questions here and I'm like I'm showering I'm washing my hair I look at my hands and there's a calm prepare there's 10 20 hairs on my hand am I losing hair am I going bald you know that's one of our worst nightmares as guys right and most of the times just us being paranoid I that happens to me that happens to everyone it is actually normal to lose between 100 and 200 hairs a day okay because we have a lot of hair most of us have a lot of hair so if you're washing your hair and you see some hair coming out into your hands that's totally fine I would again recommend biotin because it strengthens your hair so that less and less will be coming out into your hands if you have thinning hair then please start taking bio tip because that's gonna really help you out.
6. Hair Massage Can Help To Grow Hair?
Number 6 That you can do to make your hair grow faster and healthier is massaging your scalp often and I know that sounds like it's so easy but if you're actually just massage your scalp like this trust me it ain't clear it increases the blood flow to that area right he gets rid of any flakes and in grown hairs it really helps y'all and I'm just saying if you have a girlfriend where you're trying to get one you get somebody there it's a great excuse to get a head massage right so go alright ask for a head massage you say that you're trying to grow your hair faster or on the flip side you don't have a girlfriend because your hair style is lacking right now but trust me you're gonna get there then you can do it yourself in the shower when you're washing your hair you know just make sure the massage you lose some circles and that will increase the blood flow and make it grow faster healthier and stronger.
Drink Water
But guys the reality is none of those tips are going to work if you're not drinking enough water your water intake needs to be amazing for your hair to grow as a matter of fact your water intake needs to be great for a lot of things because it changes your body completely I'm talking from your hair to your skin to your nails to your muscles to your body fat all of those things all those aspects and the human body will be better will improve if you're drinking enough water so if you feel like you're dehydrated if you feel like you're not really drinking a lot of water aren't doing that because you're gonna notice a huge improvement in all those areas that I just mentioned just from drinking water it is the easiest the most affordable the simplest way to improve your body guys.
This article is presented for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. If you have any health concern, see a licensed healthcare professional in person.
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