How To Make Any Outfit Better | Men Fashion Hack 2020

Today we are going over Six fashion hacks for men that most guys don't ever do but these hacks will save you time they'll save you money and it will make you look better and more stylish. Alright let's get started with fashion hack.
Remove Wrinkles From Clothes
First Fashion Hack Is Removing wrinkles with a water bottle spray I'm so glad that I learned this trick years ago because this is really a life changer and I hate ironing my clothes man it's just I'm not a fan of like setting everything up you know waiting for this thing to warm up and then sometimes I just needed to happen a lot faster than that okay I remember the first time I saw my friend like sprayinghis clothes with a spray bottle and I might dude what the hell are you doing well what I've discovered is if your clothes are a little wrinkled and you're on the go or in a rush just hang them up and spray them with the water to get rid of the wrinkles all you need is water it's so easy in look the reality is if your shirt is completely wrinkled and messed up be realistic sorry dude you're gonna have to iron it there's no magic trick here but if you just want a few wrinkles gone this thing makes it easy.
Wear Always Fit Jeans
Let's talk about an issue that every guy has with jeans and I'm talking about the infamous jeans crunch I've seen this happen way too much your pants just crunch up around your crotch area and it looks like you got a little bit too excited and this is happening to you then it means that your pants are too big for you around the waist area a lot of men thinking that just wearing a belt or making it really tight is gonna fix the problem but the truth is it's not it's actually gonna make it worse it's gonna crunch up more the proper way to solve this Fashion hack (issue) is to bring your pants to the nearest tailor have them get rid of any excess fabric and make sure they fit you the way they're supposed to look at the end of the day jeans are expensive right they can't be expensive so it's worth reviving them by spending a little bit extra money at the tailor instead of wearing jeans that just don't fit you right or buying jeans.
Tuck Your Shirts and T-shirts
An easy trick that will change your outfits completely as simple as it sounds but it's true tuck in your shirt and I'll be honest I'm a little bit ashamed of this but not long ago I thought that tucking in my shirts or t-shirts was kind of lame but then I stopped to think about it I was the one who was being pretty lame fashion hack is about being yourself try new things showing off different personality so when I started this fashion hack is tucking in my t-shirts and Flora shirts I just discovered like a whole new world I'm not saying you should always tuck in your shirt but sometimes you're gonna find that just by changing one thing that one little thing. You're gonna change your look completely. You're gonna look completely different and that's because most guys think that you can only tuck in your button-up shirt or your collared shirt for its special event and that's not true you know you can wear a very casual outfit and tucking your t-shirt like this to add a cool detail to your v (Fashion Hack).
Don't Shop Alone
Next tip (Fashion Hack )is to whenever possible do not shop alone bring someone with you shopping isn't something that you want to rush and it's proven that we rush a lot more when we're alone but my friends have a totally different style than mine guys that's fine but having an extra pair of eyes and some different opinions is super helpful you don't have to always do what they want we're learning to take criticism and hearing others out is a skill that we could all work on and bring it a girl along might be a really good idea too sometimes it's good to get a female perspective right especially if you're looking for an outfit for a special event or for a date pro tip for you guys who maybe have lame friends who don't want to go shopping with you I know that happens to me sometimes ask a random person at the store I swear this is a great way to number one meet a new person maybe you see a cute girl right and then you just go up to her and ask her for her opinion on a shirt that you're trying on why not it's a great icebreaker it's an easy conversation starter and number two you're gonna get some real feedback this is a person who does not know you they don't care you know about your feelings because they just met you so they're not trying to please you they're just gonna give you their honest feedback it's a win-win.
Don't Dry Clean Your Clothes
Last Tip Of (Fashion Hack) might be a little weird or sound weird but it's true dry cleaning is not good for your clothes so try to do it less off I remember when dry cleaning all of my clothes all the time used to be like one of my dreams right I'm like one day I'm gonna be able to afford dry cleaning all of my clothes in reality I learned that dry cleaning your clothes all the time really damages your clothes the dry cleaning process is a harsh process so the high drying temperatures and the chemicals used in the dry cleaning process can damage your garments or lowly decrease your lifespan I'm not saying you shouldn't dry clean but only dry clean you know when you absolutely have to a suit before an event of course get that done you know or a piece that just can't be really washed in the washer and if you only have a small stain somewhere then try to hand wash that specific area to get rid of this stain instead of dry cleaning the whole thing and let's not forget how expensive dry cleaning is all right you're gonna be saving some money in two ways by saving your clothes and from the dry cleaning bill.
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