Six Grooming Tips Every Teen Should Know | Teen Beauty Hack

Today's Post is for you the Grooming younger crowd who reads my post the guys want to start now rather than later because trust me the sooner the better you definitely don't wake up one day look in the mirror and realize that it's too late today we're gonna go over Six Grooming Tips that you can start doing right now to enhance and preserve your handsomeness.
1. Skin Care
Number One Grooming Tip is Skin care you probably saw this coming and if you did that's a good thing if you know skincare is so important why have you not started implementing it. It's the most visible part of your body right it's what people look at before your shoes before your shirt or what logo you have on the first thing the notice is your face and your skin and what sets men apart later on in life is how well they age basically how many wrinkles you have on your face compared to the other guys if you have any pimples or spots a proper skin care routine will also make your skin a hundred times better I'm telling you the younger you start the better so trust me with this one the future you will thank.
2. Clipping Your Nails
Number Two Grooming Tip is getting a habit of clipping your nails look I know you guys have experienced this and I have a bunch of times you're talking to someone it's going really well and then you look at their nails and you're just thinking to yourself wow his nails are dirty or that's one really long fingernail why but worse than realizing that on other people is realizing that about yourself when you're on your way to the pool or the beach then you look down and you see your toenails and you're like oh crap I forgot to clean them or forgot to clip them so make sure you get in the habit of doing them at least once a week Plus this is one of the main reasons why guys sometimes bite their nails right because we want to kind of just like clip them right then and there if they're too long but that's not hygienic it's kind of nasty to be honest with you and it's gonna be all crooked and uneven.
3. Use Right Deodorant
Number Three Grooming Tip is finding the right deodorant I'm probably gonna say that this is the biggest confidence killer of them all body odor I sweat more than the average guy I get pretty hot and if I don't take care of it it can lead to pretty embarrassing moments I've been there and at this age when you're in your teens you might realize some deodorants don't work for you you might actually need an antiperspirant it's the perfect time to experiment and try out what you like and what works for you the last thing you want to do is start sweating through your shirt during an interview right or during a date or even in class when you're in school it's just one more thing taking your attention away from what really matters in your school girls I'm just kidding all right pay attention to class stop looking at girls all day all right jeez look if you like the Old spice body wash they also have the matching deodorant and it goes perfectly in your gym bag
4. Get Rid Of Hair On Your Back Or Shoulders
Number Four Grooming Tip is get rid of hair on your back or shoulders you know what's really annoying when you start to get older and you know that hairs just start popping up everywhere these bad boys they start coming in when you're 17 18 sometimes little bit earlier even so when they do start coming in take care of them get them out we've all seen the dude with the hairy back it's not a good look nobody wants to be that guy and nobody wants to date Chewbacca it's probably a weird fetish thing though isn't it dating Chewbacca sure it is you don't have to shave everything down you don't have to look like a dolphin either but you know if there's anything too long that sticks out remove it that's all just like you're developing a routine for your nails do the same for your back and your shoulders just get rid of any long hair so that when you go to the beach with a pool you're ready and confident.
5. Don't Try To Rock A Beard
Number Five Grooming Tip is don't try to rock a beard if you can't really grow one yet try to rock a beard when you can't really grow it has the opposite effect that you're trying to achieve here it's gonna make you look younger more of a teenager more of an inexperienced guy rather than an adult I know a lot of guys want to have that full beard right away when you're 15 or 16 don't rush into it just wait a little bit longer growing a beard is awesome and it shows personality but rushing it will make you look wild unkept and that's usually not a good look if you feel like your beard is ready then let it grow out have fun if it's not ready just shave it off and wait a little bit longer not having a beard doesn't make you feminine all right think about it there's a lot of different actors celebrities musicians who don't rock beards at all plus most of the male models have a clean-shave-face.
6. Sunscreen
Number Six Grooming Tip is please make sure that you're wearing sunscreen because this is gonna keep your skin looking great for the years to come look you want to stay away from sunburns you want to definitely stay away from any type of skin cancer so wear sunscreen it's very easy it costs $5 you apply it onto your face plus if you don't want to think about cancer or any of that stuff knock on wood think about wrinkles sun exposure gives you wrinkles sun exposure gives you dark spots on your face and you definitely don't want that ruining your perfect face these spots can be permanent and the pain in the neck so you definitely don't want that getting the habit of applying sunscreen before you leave your house every single day.
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