Ten Clothing Hacks For Men Plus Bonus Tips | Men Clothing Hacks

Number One Clothing Hacks And Tips Is Roll up your sleeves If you roll up your sleeves you look more manly and rugged but it looks better if you roll it up without a tie so hacks is if you don't wear a tie roll up those sleeves. It also looks nice if you wear it with a nice watch because it just complements the watch and it just stands out a lot more the best way to roll it up. Roll now let me tell you how to do that first roll it up once and then you just roll it up again with a little bit of the top part showing.
Number Second Clothing Hacks And Tips Is Shorten your shoelaces shoelaces are made to kind of fit all sizes right but they tend to be too long for some people so hacks is when you go and tie them they're too long and too fluffy and it doesn't look good at all so just replace them with shorter ones or make them short for yourself.
Number Three Clothing Hacks And Tips Is Use Vaseline for difficult zippers if you struggle to unzip or zip up your jacket or any other clothing just add a bit of vaseline and it was if up a lot smoother.
Number Four Clothing Hacks And Tips Is To wash and dry your clothes inside out. If you wash and dry your clothes inside out it will last a lot longer because it is more gentle on the side of the clothing that the people actually see.
Number Five Clothing Hacks And Tips Is Gets some double -sided say because when you wear a nice slim fitted shirt sometimes you will expose your skin especially if it's a little bit tight so just add the double-sided tape and you can move as much as you want without showing any skin.
Number Six Clothing Hacks And Tips Is Uses water spray and a blow dryer on a wrinkled shirt to quickly get the wrinkles out of the t-shirt to spray it with a little bit of water and use a blow dryer to dry it and the wrinkles will be gone.
Number Seven Clothing Hacks And Tips Is Fix a wrinkled color with a flat iron if you wear a shirt with a wrinkled color it will just look low-quality and just very bad so just fix it by using a flat iron and your shirt will look a lot better.
Number Eight Clothing Hacks And Tips Is Now I know there's a lot of people that don't wash their jeans too often I do but if you don't like to what you can do put your smelly jeans in the freezer because the reason why your jeans start to smell is because the bacteria transfers from your skin to the gene and so the low temperature of the freezer will kill the bacteria that causes the bad smell.
Number Nine Clothing Hacks And Tips Is What can you do about shrink clothes all you gotta do is use fabric conditioner and water to unshrink them how do you do it just mix the water and fabric conditioner in a bowl then soak your shrink clothes in it for around Clothing Clothing Hacks And Tips And Tip Is5 minutes then just stretch it out and leave it to dry
Number Ten Clothing Hacks And Tips Is used dryer sheets Now you can use dried dryer sheets to remove the white stains underneath your arms you can also try and use Navia from an invisible black hole why because you never get those yellow white ugly stains on your clothes.
**Bonus Tips
Number One Tip & Hacks Is Now you know when you're walking and your shoelaces just becomes undone or they loosen so what can you do about it just tie them the other way around let me tell you most guys tie their shoelaces this way around right but over time your boat goes vertical and it also starts to loosen now this is how you want to tie the first step is the same second step is also the same but now instead of going over the loop you go under it and pull the lace through now you're bold tighten as you walk instead of getting loose the bow will also lay nicely across the shoe.
Number Second Tip & Hacks Is Now you know when you have those nice pair of shoes but they are just uncomfortable or if you buy new ones and you have to kind of get used to them you get blisters and well that sometimes happens with certain shoes right so what can you do about it well just get some sneaker inserts they are so comfortable and you can wear them with all your shoes.
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